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Why Choose Our Brain Training & Development Courses

The Shichida Method’s whole brain training classes for kids and infants are trusted by many of our students’ parents who have seen firsthand a tremendous improvement of their child’s abilities and brain development under our courses. Read their testimonials here and discover all the possibilities that our brain training classes can spark in your own kids. Ready to move on to the next step for your kids? 

Our Shichida Parents
Our Shichida Parents
Our Shichida Parents

Hear from Our Shichida Parents!









Music Talents
























GEP Students

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GEP Students

Ting Yuan joined at age 4 for 8 years

"We enrolled Ting Yuan in the Shichida Course when she was 4 year old. She has developed into a confident and happy kid who has lots of positive energy in her. Ting Yuan loves music and enjoys playing the piano and electone. Those Shichida exercises have stimulated the development of the right brain in enhancing her musical talent.


She was also given the task of coaching the weaker pupils in Chinese in school due to her knowledge of the subject as well as her willingness to share and take care of others. These willingness to share and care are all keys attributes of Shichida’s teachings.


A keen, fast and self-learner, Ting Yuan is always hungry for knowledge. She loves reading and could spend hours reading if we did not stop her. Neat and tidy in her work, she organizes her own activities for the day and takes pride in her work. She has learnt the Shichida spirit of being kind, caring and loving to all those around her. An optimist who believes that everyday is a happy day, Ting Yuan has brought a lot of happiness into the family."



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Gabriel attended The Shichida Method program since the young age of 2. At 3 years old, Gabriel was already able to converse easily with adults in eloquent English. Six years in the program has definitely tapped out the innate abilities of Gabriel in the aspects of photographic memory ability, great intelligence and being a high achiever. Gabriel is able to achieve high accuracy in many class activities. Gabriel’s questioning intellect is also his strong resolve for he never settles for what he has accomplished, which can explain why he is always receiving brilliant grades in many fields.


Earlier this year (2013), Gabriel had attained a distinction in ABRSM Grade 3 Piano exam and

a merit in ABRSM Grade 3 music theory exam. At sports, Gabriel was awarded an achievement certificate in swimming. Two terms back, Gabriel was even awarded the bursary in The Shichida Method.


Miracle Children

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Miracle Children


"My son suffered from meningitis when he was 7 days old and part of his brain was badly damaged due to a virus/bacteria infection. He joined the Shichida class in April 2004 and since then, his progress has been fantastic. Last month when I brought him for a medical check up, the doctor was surprised at his progress.


My boy is now like a normal baby and no one can tell he had actually suffered from severe brain infection before. In fact, our doctor is so impressed that she wanted to find out what we have done right to stimulate him as she wants to tell her other patients’ parents to do the same. As such, I have introduced The Shichida Method™ to my doctor."


Image Healers

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Image Healers


"My daughter Joanne joined Shichida class when she was 3 years old and has been with the Shichida programme for 6 years now. Once Joanne was sick with fever, I asked her to use her imaginary skills to imagine soldiers inside her body killing all the virus and bacteria. After her imaging, she went to sleep and did not have any more fever during the night (thus saving me a sleepless night too!). At another time, she had eczema on her face (it keeps appearing on her face even after using anti-steroid creams). I asked her to visualise a waterfall cleaning up all the rashes on her face. Eventually her face cleared up after 2 weeks and it has been almost 2 years, the eczema never appeared on her face anymore.


I am thankful to you too for teaching us parents to open our hearts to our children for that has helped Joanne to be a loving, kind, and considerate girl."


Superb Babies

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Superb Babies


“The Shichida Method has shown us the structure and discipline it takes. Without Shichida, I think it will be so easy for us fall into a routine of play and discipline but without any guide for our son's mental and intellectual development.


Our son has brought us great joy and happiness. A constant muse, he has inspired us to be better people, given new meaning to our marriage.


Kayden shows vast improvement on his vocabulary and is able to read by himself with minimum assistance. He is also able to read and comprehend Chinese fluently, conversing with families in both languages. Kayden has always been an emotional child, sometimes confused with his emotions, comes his tantrums but he's able to get over it with reasonings to clear his confusions. All surrounding friends and families felt Kayden is a very intelligent and sensitive child. He constantly surprises us with his ability to learn.


To all teachers involved in children development, I would like to thank you for choosing your profession. I feel it's the one true way in ensuring the success of a society. Cheers! Thanks Shichida!”

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Sports Talents

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Sports Talents

Su Sze

“Kam Su Sze, aged 2 was certified in the Malaysia Books of records for “The Longest Distance swam by a Toddler” in June 2003.


“I cannot express my gratitude enough in words for the benefits your programme has given to my daughter and my family. It has paved the way for her to hold the Malaysia Book of Records for “The Longest Distance Swam by a Toddler” (She did 50 metres Olympic Pool at 2 years 3 months old). Thank you very much!”
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Music Talents

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Music Talents


“In year 2018, A seven year old Shichida genius in Malaysia has set a national standard by being the youngest to complete her Grade 8 piano exams. Starting Shichida in 2011 at age one, she began piano lessons at 6 took just eight months for a difficult journey that typically takes 2 to 3 years. She started learning the piano at age 6.


This quantum leap in accomplishment is therefore exceptional; and while naturally gifted, enthusiasm, diligence and mental excellence have given her a superior competitive edge in this field. Additionally, strong parental belief in nurturing a child’s talents from young and trust in his/ her potential awakens the heart and mind giving roots and wings.”

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Academic Talents

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Academic Talents


“My daughter, Angie, started to attend the Shichida class since July of 2001. She was about 19 months old. After nearly two years in Shichida class. I believe that because of The Shichida Method™, Angie has made a lot of progress in this area. She can read about 8 to 10 books a day. To our amazement, she began to read the level 3 Ladybird books. She has very good memory. Some books which are catered to children above her level, she can read them after listening to them for once or twice. She also enjoys reading poems and is able to memorize an easy one in two days.


Consistency is very important to this programme. Please do not expect anything! Just enjoy playing the games and have fun with each other. Then the surprises will come to you as great “results”.


Thank you for your hard work, especially Mrs. Khoo, who has been organizing seminars and sharing sessions to help parents to be consistent in their home practice and has given us many inspirations. If everyone of us is as passionate as she is, I’m sure our children will become really great kids!”

Brain Excellence

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Brain Excellence


“First and foremost a big thank you to the instructors @ Shichida for their continued patience, support and loving care to help nurture and facilitate the progress of our child's development. Sophie has managed to get Silver Award in Brain Excellence as a result  of all the efforts. She has started quite early on with the programme and mommy has been instrumental in persisting to facilitate and practice her given assignments.


Sophie has thus become more confident, gained good memory and she continues to amaze us with her speed. Playing a game of what comes next also amazed us at times with things we do not see yet but she is able to communicate it coming. Her sense of alertness and sharpness/sensitivities to surroundings has greatly improved. We are very proud of Sophie in her achievements and continue to be supportive of what she chooses to commit herself to. Thank you Shichida, its management and teams for the platform and opportunity to be a part of the Family.”


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“Emily participated in an invention contest organized by MINDS (Malaysia Invention and Design Society)  2004 and won a special award for her invention, a multipurpose musical potty. What impressed us most is that she was able to give presentations and demonstrations about her invention in public confidently.


“I want to thank you very much for your method as it has really helped in educating my 4-year-old daughter, Emily. She truly enjoys your method of learning and has never missed a single lesson.”

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“Colette has been with the program since she was 2 years old. Academically, she excelled in both English and Mathematics while achieving a decent grade in Chinese. She was recently chosen by the school to participate in the coming Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympia. And she does a lot of self-reading. 


She continues in Shichida because she enjoys it last 7 years. It helps to increase her memory and rationalize her reasoning/decision making. Additionally, she also learns that hard work and perseverance is needed to fulfill her goals i.e. progress in maths matrix stages. In school, we've teachers complimenting her on her vast general knowledge and leadership competency. They credited that to her innate intelligence quotient and congenial company; we are certain that the program has played a pivotal role in shaping and growing her to become who she is today.


Moving forward, we continue to trust The Shichida Method Programme in cementing her learning and allowing her to build and grow from that solid base.”

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“Keane at aged 9 was awarded with UOB 2006/2007 Painting of the Year, won Best Prize for The Annual Children’s International Art Exchange Competition Korean 2007, and host of solo art exhibition “Keane’s route”, The Arts House November 2008. He was also admitted to GEP, Singapore.

The evidence of children having 6 innate abilities in Japan is not a dream to parents now as you have realized it for us. Among all the training programmes in Singapore, yours is the most advanced. I sincerely and honestly saw the results in my child who joined this programme at 3 years old and is now 9 years old. My son was also a recipient of the Brain Olympics Awards and the Shichida Genius Award in wave-reading. Now, Keane has amazing intuition, photographic memory and perfect pitch in music. He can also understand what he reads very easily without any stress.


His deep sensitivity helped him win the gold medal in an international art competition in 2007. We, as parents are glad that the time and money invested on our children has finally paid off and at the same time, we greatly appreciate the support and encouragement that you have given us.

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Future Leaders

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Future leaders


“My son, Dillon joined The Shichida Method Programme in Singapore when he was 18 months.


My husband and I are both very happy with his progress. Dillon is a happy, positive and confident child who loves and enjoys attending the Shichida classes. When he was three plus, Dillon has consistently amazed us with his photographic and intuition abilities. He can memorize 50 cards and is able to recall them in 3 minutes after looking at the cards 2-3 times. He can also remember the rhymes that are taught in his nursery class and he can happily recite them perfectly after 1-2 times of practices in class. He demonstrated confidence and competence in his learning abilities; he is able to spell the numbers 1 to 10 and write their Chinese equivalent after learning for a week. He enjoys doing the Shichida worksheets and he can concentrate on a given task without being easily distracted.


As parents, we are confident that The Shichida Method has brought out the potential in him and makes his learning life easier and happier. Very often, we only need a little effort to introduce and teach him new things and concepts.”

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