Elite Brain Development Programme For Kids
Our Elite Level brain development programme is specially curated for kids that have completed the Advanced Level Brain Training Class for at least two years. The Elite Level brain development programme will further accelerate your kids’ abilities and brain development through proprietary techniques that prepare your kids for the Singapore Gifted Education Programme. This brain development programme is available in our brain training centres around Singapore and Malaysia. If your child is new to our brain development programmes, check out the Basic Level Brain Training Class first.
Science Experiments
Language Studies
IQ Training
Elite Level
Welcome Routine
The Shichida Method Elite Lesson
Child Review
5 min
55 min
15 min
To achieve a deeper understanding of brain excellence, Shichida has its proprietary techniques to strengthen the matured heart to learn with ease and determination. Preparation for the Singapore Gifted Education Programme, talent specialisation and doing well in the long run in formal studies and personal interests are the essence of our training.
Multi-Subjects Memory Training
Body-Brain Integration Exercises
Character Building
Global Connections
University Preparation
75 minute lesson consists of:
Lessons are once a week.
Term period involves 12 weeks with one week break between terms.
Assistance to enrolled families:
Complimentary monthly home practice worksheets
Parent Sharing Session
Shichida Mobile Application for child development observation and home practice tracking
Guidance by instructor throughout course
Purchasable materials for home practice (optional)
Available to continuing students who have
completed Advanced level for at least two years
Maximum of 8 students per class
One parent to attend lesson with child once a month
Certification in areas of excellence
Submission to Shichida Educational Institute for accreditation awards
Looking for other forms of training courses and classes? The Shichida Method has a variety of courses available besides our brain training classes, like our Prenatal Course.